Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Best Teaching Tools Being Used Right Now

From Audacity To Yammer

Ranging from communication systems to games, this list was compiled by Jane Hart and is quite exhaustive. Many of these tools are mentioned in the popular Ultimate Teacher’s Guide To Social Media on EduDemic but this list takes games and other systems into account.

The Best Teaching Tools Being Used Right Now

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Going green with multimedia

The shift in technology integration has proven very valuable to learning, but it has also been valuable to the Earth. I have observed many computer lab lessons in the past in which the students worked very hard on a product such as a picture, document, slide show, etc. Just before the class ended the teacher said, “Okay, time is just about up. Everyone stop what you are doing and click save and print.” How much paper did we waste with these lessons? I can only imagine.

Click the link to read more!!

Going green with multimedia

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Brad's Top 10 iPad Apps for Education

1. MathBoard 2. FlipSide HD 3. iHomework 4. iTeleprompter 5. iTimesTables 6. Lessons for iPad 7. Math Bingo 8. Math Flashcards HD 9. School Notes 10. The Elements: A Visual Exploration 11. GradeBook

Blogs as Web-Based Portfolios Video

Short Portfolio Project Movie - narrated from Lawson Journalism on Vimeo.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Web 2.0 Bookmarks

Check out my Web 2.0 related bookmarks!!

Web 2.0